Super Growth Crypto with Venture Capital Investment Framework
We apply venture capital thinking and define super growth crypto as follows:
- It should have a high utility to solve real-world problems.
- It should have long-term growth potential.
- Management needs to have a long-term vision to change the world and being aggressive.
Early Stage
We target to invest in them in the early stage, meaning invest before the herd, not with the herd! We target to invest and diversify in small-cap coins before the herd. Afterward, be patient and wait for the market to appreciate their value and then rally. At the same time, we will also have some large-cap coins to control the volatility of the whole portfolio.
Super Growth Small-Cap Coins
In history, we see that many small-cap coins can record crazy returns of 1,000% to 10,000% in just one year, like SOL, LUNA, MATIC, AXS. The key is you need to invest in the early stage and be ahead of the herd. When the market has already discovered its significant potential, and afterward you invest, you can still earn a positive return but not a sky-high return. Thus we think the critical key is investing in the early stage, and this is our strategy to help you.
Unlimited Potential Upside
The potential upside of the super growth crypto may be around 1,000% which is already enough to offset the maximum downside risk of losing 100%. The beauty of venture investing is enjoying an unlimited upside return of 100% – 1,000% or even more in a crypto project. The maximum downside risk is losing 100%. The potential upside is much more than the potential downside risk. So this is the main reason why we emphasize we use the venture capital investing framework.
Portfolio Diversification
We emphasize portfolio diversification, for example, investing in 20 crypto projects, which each crypto accounts for 5% weighting of the total portfolio only. Frankly speaking, if one crypto project fails, we may lose 100% on this project but we do not care much about this loss. This may sound a lot for that 100% loss, but if you look at it from a portfolio perspective, you just lose 5% (as this accounts for 5% weighing of the total portfolio only). Losing 5% is totally acceptable.
On the other hand, the beauty of venture investing is you can earn an unlimited upside return. For example, you can see fantastic returns on SOL, LUNA, MATIC, and AXS, recording +1,000% returns in the past year. A +1,000% upside return on one project is already enough to offset the 100% loss if one crypto project fails. Just a simple math, 1,000% return – 100% loss = 900% profit. You can still earn a 900% return even though you have a project suffering a total loss. The key is you need to have a star investment that can contribute a lot to the upside return.
We emphasize a well-diversd crypto portfolio. We will not allocate a very high weighting on particular crypto. We will not do “all in” in one crypto only. Diversified also means we can have more opportunities to invest in various super growth high-quality crypto. At the same time, diversifying means, we can reduce the overall volatility of the whole portfolio. Our focus is on building a portfolio and look at it as a whole, not just focus on a few coins.ifie
Copy Our Crypto Trades
For more details and if you want to read, follow and copy our crypto trades, you can read our another blog post on the copy trade.
This link shows the detail of our portfolio, such as what crypto we own, what weighting of each coin we own, return of our portfolio. You can click the link and copy our trades directly and trade copying can save you lots of daily time on trading and researching.
Where To Buy Crypto?
You may also ask, where to buy crypto by yourself? You can buy crypto easily via Binance which is the largest exchange globally in terms of trading volume. We recommend using the largest exchange in the world, which is more secure. You can click the following Binance link to register an account and buy crypto immediately! This is our Binance code, we both can enjoy a 10% discount on the trading fee! A win-win situation!
10% Discount!
Register account at Binance and use our Binance discount to buy crypto now (we both can enjoy a 10% discount!!):
Bitcoin: Why 1000% Return now
If you are interested to learn how Bitcoin makes you rich and why 1000% return now, please read this,
Disclaimer: we are not financial advisors, these are not investment recommendations, this article is just for educational purposes only.
Please closely follow our blog to hear more about the beauty of cryptocurrency, stock and personal finance. We will share our thoughts on other cryptos you need to buy in the future. Do not miss them as these cryptos may change your life and bring you financial freedom!!